Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just because it makes me feel good...


Anonymous said...

I suffer from depression and anxiety and was at such a low today that I searched for blogs to feel connected with others and not feel so alone. I chose your blog and read as much as I could on my lunch hour. The first thing I'm doing after getting home is to visit your blog again. I can't tell you the jolt that went through me when I saw a Satchmo video as your most current post. What a Wonderful World is my favorite song! I'm not sure where I'm going from here but I believe finding your blog may have saved me.

I'm ordering Folic Acid today. It's karma.....

Anonymous said...

No shit.
You're feeling that good?
Folic Acid working thatwell that soon?

Ray said...

On the contrary, it's been a tough week at work. This song popped up Pandora and lifted my spirits a bit so I thought I'd share it here.

Melanie said...

No body sings it like Louis! Put a smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your response, Ray.
I was starting to wonder if in your next post you were going to sing and praise the Glory of God who has come to you in the form of Folic Acid.

Har har har.

Sorry to hear about your tough week.

(I'm the second anonymous commenter who asked those questions in an incredulous tone)

So you do and respond to comments.
Sorry to hear about your tough week.

Melanie said...

Hey anonymous....don't knock the methylfolate until you've tried it!:)

Anonymous said...

I'm not knocking anything.
Just asking questions, cause yeah, I have doubts. I have such doubts about all these do-it-yourself-"natural" remedies for mental disorders/illnesses. Then again, I have even bigger doubts about doctor-prescribed psychiatric medications, so there's that.

I will however be watching your progress closely, Ray, though hopefully not in a creepy stalkerish way.

Anonymous said...

I've taken a fair amount of pills trying to find happiness. Some for a short amount of time others for many years. Some prescribed, some not. Some herbal, some prescribed. All in all, I always convince myself that the substance makes no difference. Almost 2 years since I tapered myself off the last (Celexia). I'm as sad, angry, and self-absorbed as ever. Or more so. Just not ready to pop another pill. I do wonder if non-depressives see/feel the world/life as we do? And if not, does our perspective add something essential to the overall mix? I too hate living this life in this way. I hate it more for those that love me. But dang, I've got to be me. Sad, angry, self-absorbed jerk that I am.

Anonymous said...

any new updates?
or downdates?